리탈 웨비나 ‘Panel building. Made smarter’


일시: 1월27일 오후 2시30분부터
장소: 온라인
주최: 리탈 & 이플랜
주제: Panel building. Made smarter

-Optimising your panel building processes with the digital twin 
-Live tour of the Innovation Center in Haiger/Germany
-Practical insights from our customer MINO Automotive Equipment Co., Ltd., China
-Deep Dive - Webcast - Integrated planning: Conception and construction in 3D
-Deep Dive - Webcast - Rittal Configuration System: The new dimension of configuration
-Deep Dive - Webcast - Enclosure Manufacturing: Optimising the Modification Workflow
-Deep Dive - Webcast - Wire fabrication and wiring: Optimised with Rittal and Eplan

최인식 기자 ischoe@kharn.kr
저작권자 2015.10.01 ⓒ Kharn

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